When it Rains it Pours - Musical Analysis #1

 I only really thought about it once I researched this song. Usually, when you hear when it rains it pours because bad things are happening, but this song changes it to be a good thing. I went through it the same way as well. I had a bad break from an engagement when I was young and dumb, and I joined the Army to get away from it all and start fresh and travel. When I got to my first duty station, I met my wife a month after getting to Alaska and ever since then it's been pouring.

Luke Combs - When It Rains It Pours (youtube.com) - June 2017, USA

Melody -

When you see the name of the song before it plays you would think it would be a sad song because of the title of it. When the video starts you see a family coming out and a guy passed out on the roof and a couch on fire. This is usually how bad things start, and to this family, they were probably thinking the pour is beginning, but with this song, it then goes to a guitar playing that upbeat melody and it really draws you in. "WordPress says the lead guitar is the big draw here, as it establishes a fun, positive atmosphere, builds and maintains energy on both the verses and the chorus". When I hear it, I catch myself tapping my feet to the beat and I love that the song started this way because it draws you in.

Lyrics - 

Songtell says that the lyrics tell a story of a bad breakup that turned into good fortune. I would have to agree with this. I say that because at the beginning of the video, the now ex-fiancé or girlfriend, I don't quite know the real answer to this one, breaks up with him because she can't do it anymore. After a few days he goes for a drive and decides to buy a scratch-off ticket and won 100 bucks. The song states she would have said they were a waste of time, but she was wrong. Then, as the song goes on it was even more things of him either winning more stuff or getting another girl's number throughout the rest of the song. The lyrics were a good spin on how sometimes a breakup isn't always a bad thing and can lead to better doors in the future. 

Tempo - 

In the tempo portion when he is speaking of the good things happening to him the tempo is faster and more alive, but when the song shows his ex-fiancé trying to apologize the tempo slows down to resemble her energy in my opinion. It kind of shows that she was the one who made the mistake, which I like because she left him and then his life turned around for the better. 

Song Review: Luke Combs, “When It Rains It Pours” – Kyle's Korner (wordpress.com)

Korner, Kyle. Song Review: Luke Combs, “when It Rains It Pours”. KylesKornerblog, 21 June 2017, https://kyleskornerblog.wordpress.com/2017/06/21/song-review-luke-combs-when-it-rains-it-pours/. Accessed 14 Feb. 2024.

Meaning of When It Rains It Pours by Luke Combs (songtell.com)

Meaning of When It Rains It Pours by Luke Combs. https://www.songtell.com/luke-combs/when-it-rains-it-pours. Accessed 14 Feb. 2024.


  1. Great analysis of this song. I really agree about the lyrics of this song, Luke Combs did a wonderful job delivering them, flipping the meaning of “When it Rains it Pours”. I’m not sure if you noticed but he even continues to play on that theme with lyrics like “What I thought was gonna be the death of me was my saving grace”. Great lyrics and a great song.

  2. I love this song, and I love the way you picked it apart and analyzed it. People have different perspectives of this song but I agree with you perspective, in that sometimes when you think something that happens is a bad thing, it really could just be an open door to greater things and opportunities.

  3. I've always liked this song, its always been a nice upbeat song to play on road trips for me. I think that your dissection of the song is on point, though, I do think that the song has a more ironic vibe to it than a serious spin on the phrase.


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