My first blog

 My name is Jon Grates. I live in North Pole, Alaska. I served in the Military for almost 12 years before I was medically retired. I am married to my wonderful wife and we will be celebrating 16 years of marriage this year. We have no kids but two dogs. One is a blue heeler or Australian Cattle dog and the other is a jack russell. We moved back to Alaska because she is from here and got offered a job with the government. She followed more for years so I followed her this time. It has worked out great for us.

For music I mostly just listen. I have only been to one concert and that was tech nine in 2007 I believe. I go to Vegas every year and I go to some of the street concerts there but nothing major. I wouldn't mind attending more concerts but I it really depends on the setting. I have some medical issues so some settings I tend to stay away from. I listen to music to help keep myself out of my own head. I also use it as a way to think about things. I find myself listening to Rap and metal if I am in a bad mood. If I am in a good mood I will usually listen to Country and R&B. I also listen to Country if I am trying to think or escape my thoughts. Idk why I do it but if I need to process something I usually want to be alone, so I will go for a drive and blast the music. It helps me process whatever I am going through. 

A song I like


  1. Nothing like a good country tune to match a good mood. They are frequently so melody and lyric driven.

    1. I like that there is always meaning behind the words.

  2. Hi Jon, I am a military spouse and just moved from Alaska to the East Coast, and it's a very big change. I also love country, rap, and R&B, depending on my mood. I hope to end up back in Alaska and or Montana somewhere on the West Coast.

    1. I am actually from the east Coast. Pennsylvania to be exact. My wife is from Alaska so things just worked out for us here which brought us back.

  3. I really connected with the different style of music for different moods. I also notice it’s a good way to alter my moods when I need it.

  4. i also listen to music as a way to.. escape so to say. it helps me take my mind off things and gives me something else to focus on.


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