Fearless - Musical Analysis #2

 This song hits home for me as I have done a lot of dumb things in my life. For example, I have jumped out of perfectly good airplanes for the Army. I have gone to war and returned, and I go cliff-jumping into the water every chance I get. I don't really fear much and live by the catchphrase, "You only live once, so do it." I am married to a very wonderful wife (going on 16 years.) She is my peace and the one thing I fear is losing her. This song hits home for me when I think of that, so I decided to use it. 

Jackson Dean - Fearless (The Echo / Official Music Video) - 2023 / USA


Today's Country Magazine says “Fearless is an honest account of how a woman can make a young man feel.  It’s a truthful take on a man’s thoughts, feelings, and emotions, most of which are not always proclaimed or expressed verbally.  It’s a bare-bones, stripped-down, vulnerably honest expression of how he is feeling and how his entire life is influenced by the woman in it." This song hits home for me as I said above. I acted like I was invincible - I was bold and fearless. I would take huge risks and not think about the cost or the impacts it had on other people until someone became important to me. 

Melody & Range

Melody starts out slow and simple with just the guitar. When you get to about 48 seconds it picks up with the drums coming in and possibly a bass guitar and him getting more vocal to really place emphasis on the meaning of the chorus. He has a raspy voice and I think it works wonderfully with the song. His voice is dynamically wide as it showcases an aggressive yet raspy sound that evolves to a smoother tone when the chorus leads back to capturing the influence that his mate has on him. "Tom Roland says the verses harness a Waylon Jennings-like gruffness in his lower range while the chorus showcases a Chris Cornell-ish ferocity in Dean’s upper reaches. There’s a distinct separation between those two sections of “Fearless,” which makes the chorus stand out when it arrives. But it also helps to tell the story behind the protagonist’s confession: an honest, desperate, manly expression of the life-changing power of his mate."


The song's tempo stays the same throughout the song. It is simple but perfect for what the song wanted to push. 


  1. This is a great song, and from what I know, it's pretty accurate too. As a young man myself, I know that I can definitely do dumb stuff and I still think that I'm invincible. But when my girlfriends safety is involved, I take no chances.

  2. I really love this song. It's one of my favorites. The lyrics have a lot of meaning. Talking about him completely fearless in life, except when it comes to the woman he loves, as he's terrified of losing her. He really touches base with your emotions, and gets you thinking about all the dumb stuff you've done in the past, without a thought. I really love how his vocals change throughout the song. Especially in the end. I feel like it gets more emotional at the end, as well as throughout when he's mentioning the woman he loves.


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