Musical Journey through the History of Greece

For my musical journey, I chose Greece because it is rich in History. While doing research on Greek music I found that there is a lot more that I didn't know. I have noticed what I called a Harp in the old Hercules Disney movies can also be referred to as a Lyre. I also learned that Apollo was the god of music and was often shown holding a Lyre. There is also a larger equivalent called the Cithara which is how we got the English word guitar. There is evidence that Greeks started to study music theory close to the 6th century BCE and music was actually viewed as a gift from the gods. Music was a very important part of early Greek life, and it covered a lot of different activities such as weddings, sporting events, military events, festivals, and my favorite drinking parties. Now the video I am posting below is of the Lyre and I chose to do that because it's simple but really how it started in early Greek life. There is a lot of information when it comes to this and I di...